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Hello, I'm Olga. I'm a Software Engineer.

I hold a PhD degree in Information Science (Recommender Systems).
And I often experiment with museum collections using machine learning algorithms.

My recent projects

SimsMuseum prototype


A prototype of an app to let users create their own digital museums with 3D objects.

Stack: Unity, C#




A Web-based recommender system that generates personalised museum tours for the UCL Grant Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, London, UK.

After the visit, the app processes interaction logs and generates a visit summary report with details about user's museum object preferences, and what they might like to see next time they come to the Grant Museum.

Stack: Python Flask, Angular 8, MongoDB, mLab, d3.js

NHM object recognition app


An app to detect museum objects in real time.

This prototype is aimed to help museum visitors understand what they are looking at without asking curators for assistance and without looking for object labels in a physical museum.

Teachable machine was used to train the custom model with some objects from the Natural History Museum collection available on Sketchfab.

Stack: Flutter / Dart, Tensorflow Lite

Image processor


An experiment to study colour and sound composition of paintings.

Using image processing, this app generates a linear colour gradient from the pixels of a selected painting, and then composes an audio file with the sounds that correspond to the pixel colour values.

Stack: JavaScript, p5.js


PoseNet-based sculpture finder


An experiment with a real-time pose estimation to find sculptures similar to your pose.

Please note that you have to enable a Webcam and WebGL in your browser to test this project.

Stack: PoseNet / Tensorflow.js, JavaScript, ml5.js, p5.js

Clone of Apple's Weather app


Similar to the original app, this clone shows the weather in a selected location. The users can add/delete locations from the list and convert temperatures in Celsius to Fahrenheit (and back).

The project uses the following APIs: MetaWeather API for the weather forecast and icons, and Google Places API for the instant search by location feature.

Stack: Flutter / Dart

My research

  1. Loboda, O. (2022). 'Transforming visitor experience with museum technologies: The development and impact evaluation of a recommender system in a physical museum' (Doctoral dissertation, University College London). London, UK. Available at:
  2. Loboda, O., Nyhan, J., Mahony, S., Romano, D. M. and Terras, M. (2019). 'Content-based Recommender Systems for Heritage: developing a personalised museum tour', in Proceedings of 1st International 'Alan Turing' Conference on Decision Support and Recommender Systems (DSRS-Turing 2019). London, UK. Available at:
  3. Loboda, O., Nyhan, J., Mahony, S. and Romano, D. M. (2018). 'Towards Evaluating the Impact of Recommender Systems on Visitor Experience in Physical Museums', in Proceedings of the Mobile Human-Computer Interaction Conference (Mobile Cultural Heritage Workshop). Barcelona, Spain. Available at:
  4. Kontiza K., Loboda, O., Deladienne, L., Castagnos, S. and Naudet, Y. (2018). 'A Museum App to Trigger Users' Reflection', in Proceedings of the Mobile Human-Computer Interaction Conference (Mobile Cultural Heritage Workshop). Barcelona, Spain.

Peer reviewed papers for:

  1. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
  2. 8th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2019
  3. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2020
  4. 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction